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Renaissance Festival Podcast

Jul 15, 2015

Don’t forget to pickup the Free 2014 New Music Compilation VISIT OUR SPONSOR:CELTIC INVASION BY MARC GUNN VISIT OUR SPONSOR:  MID SUMMERS NIGHT DREAM BY TONY ARTYM Long Ago and Far Away by Feckless Fear Dearg from Feckless Fear Dearg YOUR HOSTS Tony Artym Joe Haydu Danny Faught HOW ARE WE DOING Post it on Facebook...

Jul 1, 2015

Don’t forget to pickup the Free 2014 New Music Compilation VISIT OUR SPONSOR:  SCI FI DRINING SONGS BY MARC GUNN VISIT OUR SPONSOR:  MID SUMMERS NIGHT DREAM BY TONY ARTYM The Parking Lot Strip by John C. Wiseman from Simply Entitled YOUR HOSTS Tony Artym Joe Haydu The Rude Tudors Danny Faught Sarena London Captain...