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Renaissance Festival Podcast

Dec 27, 2013

Music from Samantha Gillogly, Porter and Stout, Craig Of Farrington, Marc Gunn, Heather Dale, The Gryphon Carolers, The Bilge Pumps, Maidens III, The Gypsy Guerrilla Band, Wine and Alchemy, Jesse Linder, and DeCantus Sponsor: Sandra Howard Today’s show is brought to you by Sandra Howard. Sandra has been involved with...

Nov 22, 2013

Music from Cantiga, Darcy Nair, Neidfyre, The Rogues, In Our Cups, Fugli, Brobdingnagian Bards, Kaade, Heather Alexander, Blackmore’s Night, The Reelies, Brigands’ Folie, Ravens, and Wolgemut Sponsor: Sandra Howard Today’s show is brought to you by Sandra Howard. Sandra has been involved with Renaissance faires...